Global Business

Planning the future for a long and happy innings is the objective of every individual and enterprise. It is no doubt a stiff challenge. Nevertheless implementing tact and insight can elucidate a harmonious symphony creating an ideal and congenial environment for both employees and employers. Employees are often subjected to unfair treatments and are denied their rights fueling animosity and grudge within the workforce and directly impacting the business in a negative manner.
It is imperative for a business to ensure that the workers are granted deserving benefits and wages as the contributions of a happy and satisfied workforce is the key to a successful business. It is also mandatory for every business to adhere strictly to the compliance regulations set up for the benefit of the employees. A business can only progress ahead if it maintains a healthy relationship with its workers. Being an active participant of the global business world is not an easy task.
In order to be reckoned as part of the global business community the companies have to abide by the rules of the country that it deals with commercially. The labor laws in each country are different. It is better to take advice from a source that is well-informed regarding employment rules rather than venturing out without any knowledge and failing miserably. A global business operation is not cheap. Thus precaution has to be taken at every step and a preparedness to encounter the challenges deftly is highly essential.
The workforce is the biggest asset in a business. This human capital is the most critical component that can decide the fate of a business. Thus it is advisable to adoptor enforcement of best practices and procuring rich rewards. The solutions provide a platform where all aspects concerned with human resources is addressed and dealt with in a comprehensive manner. The they offer are individualistic and best suited for each worker after a careful analysis. They are in tune with the latest compliance requirements and offer judicious legislative compliance solutions.
The wise counseling provided by the human capital management solutions can help a business overcome any obstructions that hinder a productive relationship with its employees. The employee health care benefits, compensation benefits, tax compliance and planning solutions are all as per the global standards. These solutions have the capability to develop the competency of a business and deliver optimum results

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Launched Company

What is the first thing that comes to YOUR mind when you come across the word 'business'? While different people are expected to get different ideas, in general people think 'clients' and 'profits' when the word is mentioned. No business can thrive without steady flow of consumers who convert into clients. When a business is launched, it does not automatically get a guaranteed client backing who will line up even before the company announces the products. What is required is thorough marketing . . . a whole lot of effort has to go behind ensuring that the name and purpose of the company reaches as many people (who matter) in as many places as possible. Networking is one of the best known tried and tested ways of announcing a newly launched company, with all its products, goals and ambitions, to prospective clients and customers.
As the world has progressed through the years, and almost every thing has been made a hundred times easier and more convenient, even networking for business purposes have not been left untouched. Existence of business networking groups is a blessing mainly to the newly emerging businesses. Needless to mention, this is perhaps the best platform to promote ones enterprise. Not only do these groups encourage young companies to make a mark with accomplished prospects, it also extremely educational for the former. this is the hub of exchanging ideas, gaining information and making the best impression to win the best deals. There is no end to possibilities that the networking groups can provide. However, the catch lies in selecting the right group for one's company. since there are too may of such groups of too many different types, the new business owners usually get confused as to which one will be to their best help and which one will not.
To begin with, one must commence his / her search for the right business group by first determining what they are expecting out of the same. Usually there are only a set number of reasons why people join business networking groups. It can be direct marketing of products and services and enhance scope of making profits, it can be for the sake of getting potential customers from diverse areas, it can be to learn new methods of marketing and get updated market news from the real players or, it can also be for the sake of building long term beneficial relationship with prospective clients. Normally, all these objectives mix and match, and people are seen to make the best of all through the groups that they join. When joining a group for networking, it is essential to check that the enthusiast will be getting all these benefits.
Attending of these groups, which happen to be its most important activity can open one's eyes to what the group is all about, whether it has necessary set of prospective clients that will be beneficial to the enthusiast, and whether at all it is relevant to the latter's business. Decision for joining or, not joining can then, follow.

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Network Means

The phrase "it's not what you know, but whom you know" is often deemed a particularly unsavory one. It reeks of nepotism and cronyism – both largely abhorred by a society that has seen far too much injustice.
But it would be incorrect to say that knowing the right people isn't important. Of course, talent is king. You can't market yourself and not have the talent to back your claims up. However, even with great talent, poor attitude and social ineptness can affect your career negatively.
What you need is to learn networking. This does not mean you befriend people with the intent of "using" them to get your way. Instead, it's a means of getting to know more people in your chosen field, and eventually establishing a symbiotic relationship of mutual support, camaraderie, and assistance. Through a network, you would find opportunities that would have otherwise completely missed you. You'll also find a way to meet more people in the same field, and possibly with the same interests, giving you a wider set of like-minded colleagues and friends.
So let's say you're in the food industry. How networking work for you? Let's take caterers as an example. A caterer needs clients, and you get to show off your catering skills through actually catering for an event. One way of doing so is by catering for friends or family members. They are your de facto network. From friends and family, you can rely on their word of mouth to spread the news about your catering service – provided your service is actually worth promoting. You can't just rely on the kindness of your network.
Having a proper network also means you find out about the latest trade bazaars and fairs. There you can meet foot suppliers and other restaurateurs. This means you are able to broaden your network, get the best deals from other food suppliers and wholesalers. Food suppliers, in particular, can give you the choicest cuts and the freshest produce if you strike up a good enough professional relationship with them. Remember: networking is symbiotic. You're not asking them for things like a freeloader, you're offering them a good deal and a steady business as well.
Some foot suppliers or wholesalers could also introduce you to potential clients. They are now part of your network, and in case someone needs a caterer for their party, they might just recommend you. A network means you all take care of one another, sharing opportunities and great deals.
However, it bears repeating that the network should not be abused. You should treat these people as actual peers, colleagues, and even friends. Something that can easily destroy a network: insincerity. People can spot fakes, especially when it comes to business. Maintain a genuine interest in people; don't just befriend someone because he's a food supplier who can help your business. A network is a good way of improving your business, true, but seeing it as little more than an endless well of freebies will lead to 

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Seleksi dengan photoshop CS3

pada tutorial berikut akan saya gambarkan mengenai kemudahan seleksi pada adobe photoshop CS3 dengan menggunakan Salah satu Fitur terbarunya yaitu Quick Selection Tool dan Refine Edge...

ok langsung aja PenjelasanNya......
Quick Selection Tool, tool ini adalah pengembangan dariMagic Wand Tool tapi tool ini lebih mudah dalam menyeleksi, tool ini berada tepat bersama Magic Wand Tool untuk memilihnya tinggal klik pada Tools atau tekan dari keyboard (bila tool yang tersorot Magic Wand Tool
maka anda Klik Kanan pada tool tersebut dan pilih Quick Selection Tool)

<<---->> berikut Praktek Nya <<---->>
[1] Buka Photo yang akan di edit

[2] pilih Quick Selection Tool, Atur Diameter Brush jgn terlalu besar , pada gambar tersebut ditunjukan pulaSimbol (+)dan(-), jika dipilih simbol (+) maka akan membuat seleksi penambahan, dan jika (-) akan sebaliknya.

[3] tahap seleksi>>>>
Tekan dan tahan (Klik) pada posisi Awal dimana saja,tahan jangan dilepas kemudian Drag/Geser Perlahan sampai akhir. jika ada yang belum terseleksi maka bisa ditambahkan/dilanjutkan, atau jika melebihi objek bisa juga diKurangi dengan memilih tanda (+) (-) pada properti bar diatas.

[4] tahap Finishing>>>>
sekarang kita perhalus seleksinya menggunakan Refine Edges yang ada pada properti bar diatas anda bisa mengatur Radius(memperbesar/kecil seleksi), Contrast(pencahayaan pada ujung seleksi), Smooth(Kehalusan Seleksi), Feather(untuk menambahkan efek feather), Contract/Expand sprti gambar berikut

dan anda bisa melihat Preview Seleksi dengan berbagai background pada menu ini apakah anda ingin melihat pada background hitam, putih, normal, quickmask atau inverse setelah anda sesuai dengan selera kemudian Pilih OK.

[5] dan gambar siap dipindahkan ke objek lain

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Efek Starburst

Mau bikin Efek Starburst kayak gini, Ok berikut tutorialnya :

Pertama-tama bikin dulu dokumen baru
bikin kotak pake tectangle marquee tool di layer baru, warnai dengan warna apa aja.. saya pake warna Hitam..

Sambil menekan tombol ALT dan tombol SHIFT, Drag / tarik sambil di klik gambar kotak tadi ke kanan.. maka kotak tersebut akan geser ke kanan dan udah otomatis terduplikasi.

setelah banyak dapet kotaknya.. sekarang klik layer paling atas.. lalu tekan CTRL+E beberapa kali sehingga semua kotak item itu jadi 1 layer.
Nah kalo kurang, silahkan ulangi langkah duplikat sambil geser tadi.. Sampai penuh … 

Klik Filter >Distrort > Polar Coordinate
Hasilnya :
Starburst ini bisa di kreasikan menjadi 3D.. pembuatan kotak awal menggunakan Gradient tool
Ulangi langkah duplikasi :
setelah di polar Coordinate :
ENg… Ing Eng… jadi deh…
Hasil nya bisa dijadiin background photo seperti berikut:

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Efek Foto Artistik HDR pada Photo

Berikut langkah-langkah untuk membuat photo HDR pada photoshop dengan contoh objek orang, disini saya menggunakan photoshop CS3

[STEP 1]

Buka Photoshop, Buka Gambar yang akan di Rubah


[STEP 2]
Klik Kanan Layer Background > Convert to Smart Object

[STEP 3]
Kita buat photo supaya lebih terlihat detail dengan langkah buka menu Image > Adjusment s> Shadow/Higlight...

[STEP 4]
Tambahkan efek lebih tajam lagi dengan langkah buka menuFilter>Sharpen>Unsharp Mask...

[STEP 5]
Tambahkan Black and White Adjustment Layer, dengan langkah Layer>New Adjustmen Layer>Black and White...
OK, dan langkah berikutnya 

[STEP 6]
Rubah Blending Mode pada Pallet Layer ke Overlay

Dan berikut hasil yang saya dapatkan

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Mengenal Elemen-elemen Microsoft Excel 2007

Sebelum melakukan pengolahan data pada Microsoft Excel, terlebih dahulu kita harus mengetahui elemen-elemen dan Fasilitas yang Terdapat pada Microsoft Excel 2007

Elemen elemen Microsoft Excel 2007

Unsur-unsur utama Layar Microsoft Excel 2007

  • Judul
    Judul menampilkan judul program dan dokumen aktif atau nama file dari lembar kerja
    yang aktif.
  • Office Button 
    Berisi barisan perintah untuk pengoperasian Program yang standar misalnya membuat dokumen baru, membuka dokumen lama, menyimpan, mencetak dan mempublish dokumen.
  • Akses Cepat Toolbar (Quick Access Toolbar)
    Merupakan sarana yang disediakan Microsoft Excel untuk mempercepat akses berkomunikasi dengannya misalnya menyimpan, mencetak dan sebagainya
  • Toolbar
    Merupakan deretan tool-tool (gambar-gambar) yang mewakili perintah dan berfungsi untuk mempermudah dan mengefisienkan pengoperasian program.
  • Help
    Bila kita ingin bertanya sesuatu, maka ketik pertanyaan anda pada tempat tersebut. Microsoft Excel akan memberikan alternatif jawaban terhadap pertanyaan yang dimaksud.
  • Lembar Kerja (Workbook)
    Baris ini berisikan informasi halaman, section, letak insertion point dan tombol pengendali.
  • Cell

 Cell merupakan
  • Nomor Baris
  • Nomor Kolom
  • Nama Range
  • Fungsi
  • Penggulung vertical dan horisontal

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